Simpson's paradox

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Interesting Instagram reel from critikid.

Want to see the precise data for each group? My next post shows just that! (You've got to check the posts tab, not reels.) You can also read it here: Whole Group Method A Total treatments: 350 Successful treatments: 273 78% success rate Method B Total treatments: 350 Successful treatments: 289 83% success rate Small Kidney Stones Group Method A Total treatments: 87 Successful treatments: 81 93% success rate Method B Total treatments: 270 Successful treatments: 234 87% success rate Large Kidney Stones Group Method A Total treatments: 263 Successful treatments: 192 73% success rate Method B Total treatments: 80 Successful treatments: 55 69% success rate You can see that the apparent paradox occurs because the treatment methods had not been used equally to treat large and small kidney stones.

See also