Blue-Eyed Success

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I had the pleasure of meeting three out of five people covered in this book this year, and after owing the book for 20 years, red key sections of it, I had of these meetings. I haven't actually read the book from cover to cover. These days I usually use Amazon Kindle app on my Mac to listen to books using TTS. Unfortunately, this book is not available on Kindle. But I would say that it does provide an interesting historical context for people, interested in entrepreneurialism in Japan, particularly from perspectives of foreigners, trying to break into the market.

Nik:Can you give me a summary of the Japanese book 青い目のサクセス in English please?

ChatGPT:"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but as of my last update in September 2021, I don't have specific information on a Japanese book titled "青い目のサクセス". The English translation of the title would be "Blue-Eyed Success," but I do not have any details about this book.

As of my last update, OpenAI has not included specific Japanese books in the training dataset unless they have significant coverage in English language sources. For more recent or less well-known works, I may not have information.

To obtain an accurate summary or translation of the book, I would recommend contacting a professional translator or looking for existing English summaries or translations. "

Nik: Please translate the below description from Rakuten Books into English:


商品情報 出版社: きんのくわがた社 発売日: 2001年05月 著者/編集 : 田中 茂彦, 坂田 淳一 ISBN: 9784877700607

商品説明 目次(「BOOK」データベースより) 第1章 世界で売れたものは日本でも必ず売れるー株式会社オークローンマーケティング代表取締役社長 ロバート・W.ローチ(ゼロからのスタートー日本の商慣習の壁/うますぎる話には要注意 ほか)/第2章 お金ではなく何かを達成するために仕事をするー株式会社リンクメディア代表取締役社長・株式会社ダイジョブ・ドットコム代表取締役会長 テリー・ロイド(日本に来たのは実は間違い?/電話を引くお金すらないところからの起業 ほか)/第3章 ターゲットを絞り込み顧客満足の提供に徹するー株式会社アントステラ代表取締役社長 ジョセフ・ダンクル(これから経済大国になる日本で起業する/セゾングループ堤清二代表との出会い ほか)/第4章 リーダーシップ力によりスピート経営はさらに加速するービートゥー株式会社(BUILDING2)代表取締役社長 マイケル・アルファント(ニューヨークから東京へーゼロからのスタート/外国人であってもきちんと仕事をしていれば認めてくれる ほか)/第5章 リスクあるビジネスの中にプラスを見いだすー株式会社ヒガ・インダストリーズ代表取締役社長 アーネスト・M.比嘉(アントレプレナー(起業家)のファミリー/アイデンティティー・クライシス ほか)

著者情報(「BOOK」データベースより) 田中茂彦(タナカシゲヒコ) 1958年、東京都生まれ。明星大学大学院修士課程(英文学専攻)を修了後、ロンドン大学ユニバーシティ・カレッジにて音声学修士号を取る。現在は杏林大学外国語学部助教授

坂田淳一(サカタジュンイチ) 1963年生まれ。(財)中小企業総合研究機構主任研究員。専門分野はマネージメント、中堅・中小企業の経営戦略。明治学院大学、ノースキャロライナ大学を経て、現在、自身にとって新分野である、無線・モバイル通信について、早稲田大学大学院修士課程にて研究中。自称日本で10指に入るメジャースポーツアナリスト。専門は特にNBA、MLB、NCAAバスケットボール

南信司(ミナミシンジ) 1964年生まれ。ポートレートを中心とした作家活動を続けている。個展多数(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです)

ChatGPT: Here is the English translation of the provided Japanese text:

Title: "Blue-Eyed Success: Learn Successful Strategies from 5 Foreign Entrepreneurs" [Tanaka Shigehiko]

Product Information Publisher: Kin no Kuwagata-sha Release date: May 2001 Author / Editor: Shigehiko Tanaka, Junichi Sakata ISBN: 9784877700607

Product Description Table of Contents (From the "BOOK" database) Chapter 1: What sells in the world always sells in Japan - Robert W. Roach, CEO of Oaklone Marketing Inc. (Starting from scratch - The barrier of Japanese business customs / Beware of overly good stories, etc.) Chapter 2: Work not for money but to achieve something - Terry Lloyd, CEO and Chairman of Link Media Corporation and Inc. (Did I come to Japan by mistake? / Starting a business from nothing, etc.) Chapter 3: Narrow down your target and focus on customer satisfaction - Joseph Dunkle, CEO of Antostella Inc. (Starting a business in Japan, an upcoming economic powerhouse / Meeting with Seiji Tsutsumi of Sezon Group, etc.) Chapter 4: Speed management accelerates further with leadership - Michael Alfant, CEO of BUIDING2 Co., Ltd. (From New York to Tokyo - Starting from scratch / If you do your job properly, you will be recognized even as a foreigner, etc.) Chapter 5: Find positives in risky business - Ernest M. Higa, CEO of Higa Industries Inc. (Entrepreneur's Family / Identity Crisis, etc.)

Author Information (From the "BOOK" database) Shigehiko Tanaka (TANAKASHIGEHIKO) Born in Tokyo in 1958. After completing the master's program (majoring in English Literature) at Meisei University, he earned a master's degree in phonetics at University College, London University. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kyorin University.

Junichi Sakata (SAKATAJUNICHI) Born in 1963. He is a senior researcher at the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Comprehensive Research Institute. His specialties are management and business strategy for mid-sized and small businesses. After attending Meiji Gakuin University and the University of North Carolina, he is currently researching a new field for him, wireless and mobile communications, in the master's program at Waseda University. He claims to be one of the top 10 major sports analysts in Japan. His specialties are NBA, MLB, and NCAA basketball.

Shinji Minami (MINAMISHINJI) Born in 1964. He continues his work as an artist mainly focused on portraits. He has had numerous solo exhibitions. (This data was posted at the time this book was published).

Nik:オークローンマーケティング in English is Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc..

ChatGPT:I apologize for the previous incorrect translation. You're correct, "オークローンマーケティング" should be translated to "Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc."

So, the revised section of the summary would be:

Chapter 1: What sells in the world will definitely sell in Japan - Robert W. Roach, CEO of Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc. (Starting from scratch - barriers of Japanese business customs / Beware of stories that are too good to be true and others)