Nik Edmiidz

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Connect with Nik on LinkedIn

Professional Solution Architect, Knowledge Engineer and Project/Product Manager and Data & Analytics Engineer, I'm also an amateur linguist and amateur palaeontologist (or maybe just Paleo enthusiast). Currently I am working on AutoWIKI while consulting on Intranet and eLearning services for No-Hands Apps Solutions.

You can contact me on your social media platform of choice below, or through this contact form.

You can also book time with me on Calendly at or check into one of the many Meet-ups/Networking events I tried to attend listed on my Nik's Meet-ups and Networking Events calendar.

See Nik on:

Current Twitter bio: 👨‍💻コラボレーションアーキテクト 🌐 多言語のテクノロジー愛好家、#OpenAI に情熱を注ぎます 💼 グローバル視点で効率的なソリューションを生み出します 🎤 カラオケ好き 🌍旅行と野生動物愛好家 📚 テクノロジーとその先への物語を紡ぎます 🇨🇦🇯🇵🇺🇸.

Previous Twitter bio: Experienced database engineer and collaboration architect with a passion for tech, wildlife, and languages. Skilled in developing with #OpenAI APIs and #ChatGPT

The one before that Twitter bio: Socially conscious father/husband, database engineer, collaboration architect, OpenAI API Developer. Love tech, karaoke, travel, wildlife, languages....

Linkedin bio: Nik has a long track record of improving business processes through innovative solutions. From call-centers, to Finance, consulting through his own IT/Web-services company and to a health-sciences solutions company, Nik has continued to work for efficiency and constant improvement through technology and corporate cultural change. His passions are enterprise search, collaborative wikis, mobile technology, databases, Japanese language and ChatGPT/OpenAI.

Github bio: Amateur Jack-Of-All-Trades. Loves karaoke, technology, family, traveling, fiction, non-fiction.

Telegram bio: Geo-Aware Software / OpenAI API Developer.

Opensea bio: Canadian with 25 years of database experience and amateur Blockchain engineer. Lived in Japan and US for 18 years.

Linktree bio: Amateur Jack-Of-All-Trades. Loves karaoke, tech, family, travel, stories.

Clubhouse bio