Simpson's paradox: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.


  • curprev 15:47:512024-11-27T15:47:51Nik talk contribs 1,147 bytes +1,147 Created page with "Interesting Instagram reel from critikid. <blockquote> Want to see the precise data for each group? My next post shows just that! (You've got to check the posts tab, not reels.) You can also read it here: Whole Group Method A Total treatments: 350 Successful treatments: 273 78% success rate Method B Total treatments: 350 Successful treatments: 289 83% success rate Small Kidney Stones Group Method A Total treatments: 87 Successful treatments: 81 93% success rate Method..."