AI technology for call centres that makes angry, frustrated or irate customers sounds calm: Revision history

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  • curprev 23:19:392024-10-18T23:19:39Nik talk contribs 849 bytes +849 Created page with "Interesting reel from dougiesharpe about softvoice. <blockquote> Beyond AI has developed a new AI technology for call centres that makes angry, frustrated or irate customers sounds calm, cool and collected to the operator. #beyondai #ai #callcenter #interestingfacts #amazingfacts #coolfacts #coolfactz #randomfacts #facts #factz #factsdaily #factsoftheday #factsoninstagram #funfacts #funfactsoftheday </blockquote> <embedvideo service="facebook" dimensions="400x600">htt..."