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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
2022-03-06T02:34:34 Nik profile.png (file) 299 KB Nik Nik Edmiidz in the Dominican Republic in December 2021 1
2022-09-16T16:39:20 Adding PayPal tip jar link to Linktree.png (file) 31 KB Nik   1
2022-09-16T16:43:18 Something went wrong.png (file) 10 KB Nik   1
2022-09-16T23:20:58 Cross racial doppelgänger.png (file) 109 KB Nik The Japanese translator, played by Akie Kotabe, in season 4 episode 5 of Mad Men looks a lot like Ted (Kevin Rahm) when they make serious faces. cross racial doppelgänger? 1
2022-09-17T01:29:31 Abodos Spokesperson.png (file) 60 KB Nik   1
2022-09-17T01:29:54 Abodos Red.png (file) 57 KB Nik   1
2022-09-17T01:30:17 Abodos Purple.png (file) 56 KB Nik   1
2022-09-17T01:30:27 Abodos Wannabe.png (file) 59 KB Nik   1
2022-09-17T01:37:21 Abodos Blue.png (file) 55 KB Nik   1
2022-09-17T14:29:47 Abodos collection.png (file) 20 KB Nik   1
2022-10-01T00:35:49 Abodos Video Screenshot.png (file) 103 KB Nik   1
2022-10-06T18:37:14 Follow on LinkedIn issues.png (file) 263 KB Nik   1
2022-10-21T17:27:58 Linked in QR code.jpeg (file) 127 KB Nik   1
2022-10-26T22:02:18 1994-Nik-and-rice-fields.png (file) 678 KB Nik   1
2022-10-26T22:06:28 2006-familyat-the-wedding.png (file) 512 KB Nik   1
2022-10-26T22:07:13 1995-nick-281x300.png (file) 81 KB Nik   1
2022-10-26T22:10:44 1994-Nik-and-cherry-blossoms-300x204.png (file) 111 KB Nik   1
2022-11-10T16:45:59 Linkedin Open to.png (file) 34 KB Nik   1
2022-11-18T23:07:35 Send feedback to Google about Google Translate Pronunciation.png (file) 300 KB Nik   1
2022-11-27T21:48:09 Holly-flax-hold-my-beer.jpg (file) 50 KB Nik   1
2022-12-01T23:26:26 BetaPage for Nik Edmiidz and AutoWIKI.png (file) 935 KB Nik   1
2022-12-17T04:41:57 Why Netflix is king by Piques.jpeg (file) 44 KB Nik   1
2022-12-17T05:43:07 Even for the intranet.png (file) 901 KB Nik "I've read some of it. Even for the intranet it's... pretty shocking." In other words, even in a private document that only his employees can read it is shocking. That is why he saved the world from putting it on the actual Internet. 1
2022-12-27T06:51:24 Kindle text to speech.png (file) 217 KB Nik   1
2023-01-01T20:50:34 2023 New years card.jpeg (file) 106 KB Nik   1
2023-01-31T19:14:02 Midjourney sabertooth tiger hunting a mastodon.png (file) 404 KB Nik   1
2023-01-31T19:21:48 DALL-E saber toothed tiger hunting a giant ground sloth.jpeg (file) 117 KB Nik   1
2023-02-01T20:34:12 Oxio eero app.jpeg (file) 92 KB Nik   1
2023-02-04T20:15:14 Stackoverflow in a nutshell.jpeg (file) 214 KB Nik   1
2023-02-06T20:29:12 That's what Xi said.png (file) 407 KB Nik   1
2023-03-21T08:39:08 Nik in Osaka.png (file) 401 KB Nik   1
2023-05-10T07:36:38 Simpleselectsearch.png (file) 223 KB Nik   1
2023-07-12T02:47:53 reel 1437206823724712.png (file) 267 KB Nik   1
2023-07-12T02:48:10 reel 279242897981765.png (file) 191 KB Nik   1
2023-10-29T19:24:26 ChatGPT4 prompt for Dall-E.png (file) 197 KB Nik   1
2023-12-31T23:33:34 Nik trying to hide full mouth 2023.png (file) 109 KB Nik   1
2024-01-08T03:09:55 WKRP The more Johnny Fever drank.jpeg (file) 34 KB Nik   1
2024-03-01T17:30:48 Baz edmeades and sons.jpeg (file) 274 KB Nik   1
2024-03-09T21:57:13 Some results may have been delisted consistent.png (file) 491 KB Nik   1
2024-03-27T18:26:50 Facebook Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 11.25.21 AM.png (file) 329 KB Nik   1
2024-05-14T18:22:38 Stəywəte-n̓.png (file) 326 KB Nik the power of the West Wind, brings storms, cleansing, and new beginnings... 1
2024-05-16T22:44:30 Typical Twitter bot Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 3.34.52 PM.png (file) 81 KB Nik   1
2024-05-16T22:45:12 Typical Twitter bot Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 3.34.41 PM.png (file) 39 KB Nik   1
2024-08-05T05:05:56 Embedded Snippets in Embedded Snippets ChatGPT.png (file) 76 KB Nik   1
2024-08-26T06:57:43 HONDAe.jpeg (file) 118 KB Nik   1